Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Here are the four foundations of our quest for brotherhood in the Otter Creek Church.

1.  Community and brotherhood to all men through open and authentic relationships, striving to be fellow travelers, side by side, along life's path.

2.  Encourage spiritual formation through opportunities and encouragement to engage in the daily disciplines of prayer, study and self-examination.

3.  Support and encourage men to respect, serve and love their wives (or significant others) with humility and sacrifice.

4.  Share and lift each other up in times of struggle or pain - rejoice and celebrate when we experience victories in life.

Monday, January 14, 2008


One of the ways to get plugged into community with other men is to simply talk.  On Thursdays here at the building, there is a weekly meeting of the Samson Society.  Samson is a way for men to get together and discuss the issues that we as men face today and how we are walking in those situations and how we can help each other in that common journey.  This is a time to come and just talk, and listen.  
There is a meeting after the meeting at Mazatlan Mexican Resturant from 8 until whenever you decide to leave.  The after meeting times are every bit as important as the structured meeting times.  At the AFTER meeting, we can sit and talk, laugh, tell our stories, and get to REALLY know each other, and develop relationships with other men that we can count on and call on daily.  
One of the tenets of the Samson Society is the requirement for STRICTEST CONFIDENCE.  Everything said in a meeting, stays in the meeting.  No wives are authorized to know the details of our conversations in a meeting.  Anything you share can and WILL BE held in that strictest confidence.  We hold very tightly to that and it is VITAL that you understand that if you come, you can be fully present, and you can fully share whatever the Lord leads you to share.  We all have a story to tell.  All of us have successes and failures in our past lives, some in our current lives.  These are the stories that grow us individually and as brothers in Christ.
Another tenet of the Samson Society is the idea of a Silas.  A Silas relationship is a big part of what we do in this group.  A Silas is a traveling companion.  Someone we walk with, DAILY, in order to remain on the path that God has set us on.  A Silas is more than an accountability partner.  An accountability partner is too easy to lie to.  When you walk in community with another brother, you share you story, in honesty, speaking out of your own experiences and trust him to listen in love, without judgement.  Paul always had a traveling companion on his missionary journeys, he never went anywhere alone.  Even Jesus walked with someone, never being alone, except to pray.  (And when he was driven to the desert to be tempted)  If our Lord and Savior had men in His life to walk with, shouldn't we?  I believe it's a supreme example that isolation doesn't work.  I have been a part of Samson for two years now.  I have lived in isolation most of my life.  Closed up, shamed, superficial, everything always being "fine" when someone asked.  When a Silas asks you how you are doing, he will probably slap you if you say the word "fine" (kidding), because he REALLY wants to know EXACTLY how you are and refuses to let you off the hook with a token answer.  What he is trying to do is help keep you present.  Present for yourself, present for your wife/girlfriend, present for your kids, present in your job, present for the people who really need you to be present.  Silas relationships aren't set in stone forever.  They vary in length of time, based on constant evaluation of the two men who are in this relationship.  It's not something where someone gets their feelings hurt if they ask to be out of a Silas relationship.  He might feel as though it is time to move on and get a new Silas, based on a new chapter of his life.  Some Silas relationships might be forever.  Again, it's up the two who decide to enter that relationship.
Meetings are exactly one hour in length, we all meet together at the begining for a few minutes to pray and read scripture, talk about the Fact and the Path (see, and choose the topic of discussion for the evening and then break into groups of three or four, depending on how many show up.  There is NO CROSS TALK during a meeting.  When a man speaks, it is his turn to talk and no one else's.  We are there to listen until it's our time to speak.  The after meeting is a perfect time to delve more into what a guy said in a meeting, as long as he is comfortable talking about it at that time.
So why do we meet?  What brings us to Samson meetings?  It differs for everyone, but the following are many reasons why men desire this community.  Addictions (of all types, drug, alcohol, sexual), isolation has gotten old, marriage failure, dealing with death, shame, community, brotherhood, wanting to be known.  Ultimately, we meet because we know we can't DO life by ourselves.  There are some things we just can't and shouldn't expect women to understand.   Brotherhood, study, self-examination and prayer are the only ways we can get through this. 

I really hope you guys will consider attending Samson meetings.  The only thing I ask is that if you decide to come, come at least 3 or 4 times before you totally decide whether or not it's for you.  Just give it a fair chance if you decide to attend.  There are several guys listed on this page that you can contact if you would like more information.  I would encourage you talk to some of these guys and get their view.  Don't just take my word for it.  Ask guys who are attending.  If your wives have questions, call Jeff McInturff and talk to him and have your wives get in touch with Jeff's wife, Christy.  Jeannie Sandella, John Sandella's wife is another option, as well as Sheryl Thomas, BST's wife and Peyton Williford's wife as well.
7pm, room 205, Otter Creek.  Hope to see you there.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008



I want to welcome you to the brotherhood.  Jeff and I hope that all of you will welcome the opportunity you have to become closer to your brothers here at the Creek.  Jeff and I plan to create several venues for you to plug in and walk in authenticity with other men.  There are several ideas that we have and some of them will involve help from you.  We want you guys to own this brotherhood and to be directly involved with the planning of certain events and fellowship times.  

There are some things already happening in the building during the week.  One great option you have to walk with other men is to attend meetings of the Samson Society.  This group has been meeting at Otter Creek since May of last year.  Over the course of the last 8 months, we have grown as a group and more importantly, as individuals.  Marriages have been strengthened, relationships have been mended, challenges have been conquered, and the enemy is less powerful in our lives as a result.  

The Samson Society has been around for years.  It started as a small group of men in Franklin who needed to talk with other men about struggles that apply directly to men.  Over the last two years, the book "Samson and the Pirate Monks", by Nate Larkin has come out.  Nate is the "founder" of the society.  All of this was his idea, his vision, and part of his recovery.  Now the Samson Society has spread all over the country with meetings being attended in 15 states.  I would encourage each of you to attend.  There are several OC guys attending.  If you have any questions regarding this meeting, feel free to call me or Jeff.  There is also the Samson website.  Everything you need to know is on that site as well.  Look it up!

What we also would love to see, on this website, is for you to share your challenges, prayer requests, questions, victories and failures.  Part of stepping into the fullness of our manhood is being known.  You decide what and how much you are willing to share.  Anyone can post comments on this blog and that is where you need to post things you want the group to know.  If you want to share, please do, and please provide the e-mail information necessary if you want to be contacted by other guys.  

Men we have so many things in our lives that we cannot expect a woman to understand.  This is why we need community with other men.  Men who "get it".  Men who have walked the same path at one time or another.  Men who have failed when they were in your situation and men who have prevailed in your current situation.  Please consider prayerfully and seriously how you can give your gifts to other men and what you need to receive from other men.
Let Jeff and I know how we can help you get plugged in, and let us know if there is anything you need that this brotherhood can offer you.

Kyle Rigsby