Sunday, February 10, 2008

Daily Devotional Together

One of the objectives Kyle and I have in supporting the men's ministry is to encourage each other as men to spend time in the Word and in prayer, either individually or together. One thing I want to suggest is that we all use a common devotional book. I think there can be some encouragement knowing some of us are starting our day in the same thoughts and prayer mindset. I have been using the "Men of Integrity" daily devotional book, which is published with Promise Keepers. I am usually cynical of these types of devotional books, but this one is really good, it fits in a pocket or briefcase/computer bag, and is a quick 2-3 minute read. They are broken into week-long subjects, and are actually pretty relevant (dealing with topics as fatherhood, relationships with other men, pornography, work/career, etc.).

I can get pretty cheap copies of these in bulk, but wanted to gauge interest before I did. If you would be interested in doing this together, please respond in the comments section and I'll order as many as are interested.

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